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Shanghai Haitong Co., Ltd. was established in May 2002.
There are 16 staff in our company, 12 have a college education and have their qualification certificates, of which 2 have seaior title, other 2 are senior practicing auctioneers. Company managers are familiar with the modern management, the company's advisory working group of experts from Tongji University in Law and real estate professional Doctor, Professor, as well as retired senior judges.
The company located in the Huxi campus of Tongji University, set up six departments. The company has 295 square meters of office and the auction hall can accommodate 160 people; otherwise a warehouse of 2000 square meters, will be ready to save storage auction. The full realization of management of office automation, that is, the information network of the auction, the auction site computerized financial computerization.
Firm specializes in planning, operation of real estate, creditor's rights, property rights and material equipment auction .
From 2005 to 2008, the Company's annual auction turnover of over a hundred million, the highest one-year turnover reached 303 million yuan auction. Although in 2008 by the international financial crisis, but the auction of the company turnover is still expected to reach 249 million yuan, becoming the city's auction turnover of 23 billion more, one of the auction.
Transmission company, to promote the humane spirit of helping one another, has always been enthusiastic about science and education and philanthropy. From 2006 to 2008, we have a shortage of funds to the two research projects a total of 200,000 yuan donation. After 5.12 earthquake, the company in various ways to participate actively in the activities of love, had contributioned and donated goods total of 97,000 yuan.
In 2006 and 2008 has been auctioned twice by Chinese trade associations as "AA-class auction business in China," twice at the same time, Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce was rated as "AA grade credit enterprise contracts." In March 2009, the company allowed the Shanghai Higher People's Court of Justice commissioned a quality auction. In April 2009, companies are allowed to auction the property rights of state-owned enterprises in Shanghai qualification.

President: Liu Peihong Former director of the Education Bureau, Putuo District,Shanghai;Former chairman of the board of Shanghai Haiwen Education Development Co., Ltd.
Vice President: Jin Zhengji Former vice president of Tongji University;Current vice President of Shanghai Environment Protection (Group) Co., Ltd.
General Manager: Shi Guobao Economist.
Members of Advanced consultative committee:
Zhang Jiheng Former Secretary of the Party committee of Tongji University;Former General Manager of Tongji Science and Technology Industry Co., Ltd.;Current manager of Shanghai Lin Tongyan and Li Guohao Construction Consulting Co., Ltd.
Shi Jincai Former dean of People’s Court, Yang Pu District, Shanghai.
Xiong Yuesheng Former chief of Postgraduate Management Department, Tongji University.
Ni Weiren Current Curator of China Xi Shizhai Art Gallery, connoisseur of jewelry.
Zhu Weimin Current vice President of Shanghai Environment Protection (Group) Co., Ltd.
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